#Shorts 157#Advantages of eating bean sprouts- ஆரோக்கியம் தரும் முளை பயறு-Mallika Badrinath
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Eat Sprouts daily
To avoid cancer
Heart healthy
Balances Diabetes melitus
Weight management
Better eye sight
To avoid ulcer
Thridosha balancing food
live food
Anti ageing
To Boost Immunity
To avoid Arthritis
For bone strength
Energy booster
For Acid base balance
Sprouts Salad link:
How to make sprouts at home :
Thankew for sharing this valuable information mam ,
Kindly show your daily cooking recipes in your home it will be useful for us to have balanced diet
Madam can we eat it raw? It is very tasty to eat just like that.
Pl share tips to use this in daily routine…
Very informative video madam. Thank you
Excellent ? ????